Health Topics

My doctor told me that my cholesterol is elevated, what should I do about it? What can I do about? I feel fine. I inform my patient every day however important this measure of health is. It one of the key factor in making a decision on your life health trajectory. I allows us to predict how long you may have before having a heart attack or stroke.
Learn more at some the best evidence based site about cholesterol

Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects every aspect of your overall healthy. This is a condition where your body has too much blood sugar. Usually for two reason; you are eating too many sweet or high glycemic foods or your body isn't using the sugar that's already there because of insulin resistance. Insulin is a hormone that facilitates movement of glucose ( sugar) into the muscle, fat and liver. If you body does have enough insulin or your body is not using the insulin, then blood glucose gets out of control.

& Anxiety
Are your tired for no reason? People saying you are behaving differently? You're crying for no reason at all? This could be a sign of a depression. Learn learn by clicking the link.

Healthy Eating
There are so many diet plans out there, who knows where to start. I have a few techniques I tell my patients everyday in the clinic. Learn learn by clicking the link.

Weight Management
The biggest move you can make toward a healthier lifestyle is learning to treat your body better inside and out. There is no ONE way for better health. Find what works best for you. Learn learn by clicking the link.

Do you know how to get tested? What location are free and which ones are at a cost? How to schedule. Use the link below to get your questions answered.